Monday, March 1, 2010

Life Update first, then a poker update

Gonna do a brief life update before I do all the poker mumbo jumbo in the next entry. (Dane I really don't think people care, nobody really reads this.) Well in case anyone does...

I recently moved into my own apartment in Minneapolis. Like any living situation there are pros and cons, but overall I like it, seem to be able to afford it, and it is nice to leave for work 13 minutes before my shift starts and still arrive early.

However, I am going to need be even more frugal in the next coming months because I once again have decided to coach AAU basketball this spring/summer. I am going to coach younger kids this year, 15 U, so freshmen basically. It is a level that I first coached a few years ago and I think it will be a lot of fun. It is of course volunteer, and since it takes me away from my normal job on weekends (at least Saturday for sure) I may only be getting 3-4 shifts a week for awhile. I didn't think I was going to do it again, but I got so excited when the director of the Magic called me that I just knew it was right.

My former roomate Cory and my brother have really been doing well with their own radio show Jakey and the Ace. Cory has gotten really good at booking guests and so far has landing professional wrestler Ken Anderson, and NFL Network Anchor Scott Hansen. He is thinking about going to Brown College for it, and I might just go with him!


  1. you just say that no one reads this thing so people will comment. dane, i read this blog. do not NOT write it. seriously.

  2. YES! A CORY MENTION! This makes your blog 110% Better!
