Wednesday, October 7, 2009

1st post of best blog ever

Whats up people? Today was the 3rd day in a row of gettin less than 3 hours of sleep and waking up at 6 am or earlier. (Monday to drop off boo boo at the airport and Tues and wed for work) Today I mixed it up a little bit in my morning routine, opting for the shower at 5:04 am and combing my hair right after. Pretty crazy right? At work i was just DEAD. The first 3 hours I was running on empty and was having a tough time, esp when Triestohard was like "dude that stack is so dangerous" I'm like do you see it falling? Thankfully, I bounced back strong after lunch (and perhaps more thankfully, I only had to work until 11:30. Now, I am home, relaxed and will be playin some online poker (Which i do a lot, and what most these blogs will be about) all day with Masebroke, we better bink one off. Bankroll is a bit over 4k, masebrokes pay roll is...well he is living up to his name. Follow me on twitter @ DaneJEmmert