Thursday, November 11, 2010

Monday, August 23, 2010

But Dane? How has poker been going?

I totally promise to keep doing results at the end of the month, sorry I am so lazy that I didn't even do that. Here is a brief recap of the months I missed.

June: Bad month, down over $3k. No final tables, had several finshes 10th-18th (Which means the table right before the final table.) Very disappointing but poker players have to realize it is part of the game as well at looking how to improve that aspect.

July: Up about $2k. A little bit frustrating because I did make 4 Final tables that month. Best cash was a 4th place in a $20 rebuy event for $2651. 3 other 4 figure scores as well, but not a win!

August: Pretty bad so far, I have a few sessions left this month to turn it around, but it's not healthy
to press on the 30th just because of a bad month. Poker is a very LONG term game, some players won't even look at the monthly results because it really does not mean anything.

Overall strategies/summary: I am playing a lot more satellites on Full Tilt and I am really enjoying being able to play some of the major events with literally the best players in the world. It's a total trip. Now to win one of those for 6 figures...well that would be pretty sweet.

Life: I LOVE my new apartment in northeast Minneapolis. What I don't love is the weight I have been gaining due to 20 years of a horrible diet. So I am going to the gym minimum 2 days a week with a trainer and actually eating well, it's really weird. P.S. If you haven't seen me in a while, I'm not a massive blob or 300 lbs or anything, just getting some love handles that I'm not a real fan of.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

When Happy in life, you treat others better.

That sounds like a really obvious statement and it is. The challenge I am presenting is: Can you still treat others as well as they deserve when you are unhappy? See take my father for example, now in no way am I insinuating that my dad was a horrible father by any means, but especially during maybe my ages of 7-15, he was extremely short tempered, often crabby and at times just seemed annoyed by everyone. I just figured he didn't like us, after all, having twin boys must be hard, especially when one of them decides he is going to paint his nails and play with dolls and the dream of having your boys playing catch together in the yard fades away. He may not have liked that so much (by the way, my dad and my very gay brother are extremely close now, its weird. They are like serious drinking buddies and they talk way more than we do.) But then I think about it: My dad worked at a huge law firm in downtown Minneapolis, but he wasn't a lawyer. He was a tax accountant working in a shrinking division by the day. Imagine being the only non lawyer around a bunch of asshole lawyers all day long, probably assuming he was one until the conversation of where he went to law school came up. In fact, my dad doesn't even have a bachelor's degree, he has a 2 year paralegal degree from North Hennepin Community College. So I'm sure he felt out of place and was not treated well at this job. Fast Forward to 2002 and he was finally able to just Fuck you to those people and ended up starting his own business, hanging out with friends again and really enjoying his life. All of a sudden, he was like a different person, yes, that family temper is there every now and again but he is so much calmer, so much funnier. I guess my point is, it's a lot easier to treat others well when you're life is in order, but a lot of our lives are not. A lot of us struggle everyday, so challenge yourselves to still treat the ones you care about with respect dignity and love, even when your day sucks.

Friday, July 23, 2010

The Even Further Adventures of SpaceDane, Chapter the Third

SpaceDane had seen a lot of shit in his life, but this took the SpaceCake.

"Hey! That's my SpaceCake, bitch! That was from DQ! It was frozen, and in ICE CREAM form!" said SpaceDane. "It was bestowed upon me for MY special day. DON'T YOU DARE try to take my frozen SpaceCake. You can take many things from a SpaceDane. You can take his SpaceDust. You can take his SpaceRust. But to take a SpaceDane's SpaceCake is a ne'er you must!"

He knew that he had stolen from Dr. Seuss, but SpaceDane could not help himself. As a drop of SpaceSweat dripped from his brow, SpaceDane glared unblinking into the horizon. "A lesser man would have blinked," thought SpaceDane. SpaceDane refused to bow before the whims of his forehead's condensation. His will would not be broken.

Hopping in the SpaceCockpit of his SpaceFordTaurus, SpaceDane had only one choice. He must pursue his SpaceCake TO THE ENDS OF THE SPACEUNIVERSE.

Sweat, like rivers of, well, sweat, fell into SpaceDane's eyes as he put the SpaceTransmission into overdrive. SpaceDane squinted, fighting once again his urge to blink. Was his vision affected? Of FUCKING COURSE NOT. SpaceDane was steadfast in both his navigational SpaceFordTaurusing, and in the recovery of his SpaceCake.

[At this point, the reader should picture a wacky Space80's montage of SpaceDane chasing after his SpaceCake. All in a Christopher Walken-esque voice. There is a three-titted woman involved, and although she is not the SpaceCake-stealing bitch in question, and totally wants to BONE SpaceDane, he won't have it. ("One... Two...........Three tits? NICE TRY, BUDDY. I'M BACK, BITCH.") At this point, SpaceDane roared his SpaceFordTaurus the fuck outta there, flipping a peace sign in her general direction. It should be noted that the three-tittied woman was probably better off this way, given SpaceDane's wildly overstated love of both poker and unsuccessful basketball teams... not to mention, all of this shit totally happened in Total Recall, so there's that, look neither here nor there... We rejoin the plot as it progresses, sparing the reader from SpaceDane's continual poker trivia reminiscences. They were numerous and pretty bad. ]

As a river of vanilla ice cream cascaded down his face, SpaceDane looked directly at the camera.

"All I wanted was my SpaceCake. Today was my Special Day."

The Further Adventures of SpaceDane, Part II

SpaceDane's eyes fluttered for a moment.

"Just another morning," he thought. And it was.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

A Futuristic Space Odyssey Starring Dane Emmert.

Before I begin the story, please remember that I need you to send in your Dane questions for my next blog post. I promise I will answer as many Dane questions as possible. And now: the story.

Chapter One: SpaceSeduction

"Oh, SpaceDane, that was amazing," murmured Zapnar, the green-skinned alien chick.

SpaceDane nodded slowly, caressing the steering wheel. "And to think you said I couldn't parallel park my SpaceFordTaurus into that spot." The nod turned into a sardonic shaking of his head. "Your doubt reminds me of a hand of poker I was a part of when I traveled to the past:

"Three centuries ago – more precisely in 1976 and 1977 – now poker legend Doyle Brunson won the World Series of Poker twice in a row. The tournament back then was a lot smaller than the thousand of players in the WSOP and large online poker tournaments these days so you might not think much of this but that would be wrong. Doyle bested a field of the worlds best players twice and that is still a great feat. The strange thing – and the reason for the hands fame - is that he had the same two hole cards in the final hand each year – the T2 (Ten Two). Not generally a starting hand you would choose to play and statistically very unlikely (especially since it ended up a full house both times)

Doyle played against Jesse Alto in 1976 whose final hand was an Ace-Jack. Doyle had T2s (Ten Two of spades). Doyle must have thought he could out play Jesse on the flop because he called Jesse’s raise before the flop with a measly Ten Two. Actually a very typical move for Doyle with his Power Poker playing style. The flop, A-J-10, gives Alto a very strong hand – top two pair – and he must have been pleased when Doyle moves all in. Alto calls and is happy to see Brunson’s middle pair hand. The turn (a deuce) gives Doyle 4 outs but Alto is still confident when the river shows a Ten and it is all over. A devastating blow for Alto who loses to Doyle’s full house (Tens full of Twos).

The year after the match up is Doyle against Bones Berland. Doyle again having the T2 in the final hand. Bones hole cards are 85 and with these poor starting hands there is no action pre flop. The flop (T85) leaves Bones in a good postion with two pair and Doyle having top pair. Bones tries to get maximum value by trapping but the play backfires when the turn card is a 2 – giving Doyle the best two pair hand. Both players are all in on the turn and the river is a Ten – not helping Bones. Doyle has won again with the same full house as the previous year, Tens and Twos."

SpaceDane ended his story and leaned back into the driver's seat, reliving the events.

His nostalgia was interrupted by a strange grinding sound. What the hell was that? thought SpaceDane as adrenaline began pulsing through his veins.

Turning his head to the passenger side of the car revealed the answer to his question and so much more. Zapner had taken the opportunity during SpaceDane's story to fish out an amount of gardening hose and connect it from the tailpipe of the SpaceFordTaurus to her mouth. The strange grinding sound was in fact the death rattle of a space chick who had many strengths but one weakness: long, winding, pointless poker stories.

SpaceDane lowered his head and became silent to collect his breath...and his thoughts.

"DAMMIT!" shouted SpaceDane, pounding his fists into the steering wheel. The SpaceFordTaurus filled with the stifling air of frustration and anguish.

"I should have known she was a trap hand."

Rain began to beat slowly and irregularly upon the windshield of the SpaceFordTaurus, although to SpaceDane it might as well have been hydrounobtaniac acid beating through the chlorotitanium hull...nothing would bring back that alien chick.

SpaceDane sighed and shifted in his SpaceCockpit.

"I guess that's the life," he lowly uttered. "The life of SpaceDane." He closed his eyes for a long pause and held off the future for just a moment or two.


Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Things I know About Dane Emmert, Some of Which Are True.

1. Dane Emmert was born in Hope, Arkansas, in 1946. It is rumored that Dane was shortly followed out of the womb by a twin brother, but nothing could be further from the truth. For the past 60-some years Dane has been living an exhaustive double life posing as both himself and his "twin brother." Psychoanalysts have spent thousands of hours and many more thousands of dollars on electro-convulsive therapy treatments to find the root cause of Dane's severe split personality psychosis, but the most any expert can come up with as an explanation is a chronic and debilitating addiction to Strawberry Welch's.

2. In his early childhood, Dane Emmert was seen as something of a child prodigy. When interviewed on this point, friends and family were unable to clearly articulate what exact subjects Dane excelled in; nor was anyone able to offer any other commentary other than "Well, that Dane...he was prodigious." When Dane as his "twin" was interviewed, he insisted the moniker came from Dane being "the typical prodigal son." He then broke down weeping, admitting he'd never actually read the Bible and was unsure of what the Bible even was.

3. In 1992, after winning a hard-fought national election with 43% of the vote, Dane Emmert became the 42nd President of the United States.

4. Dane Emmert began an illustrious career at Trader Joe's as a Human Zamboni Machine, cleaning the floors by shimmying around on his stomach. He was paid or even asked to show up, but after 18 months of this he was eventually promoted to Fruit Fly Trap Layer in the produce department. Dane was asked to move on to the cookie and cracker section of the store, but was promptly removed when he refused to quit shouting, "Who ate all the Pecan Sandies?!" and chain-smoking Dunhills.

5. After leaving Trader Joe's, Dane Emmert accepted a tenure-track position teaching at MCTC in the field of phrenology. Closer inspection reveals this teaching "position" amounted mostly to sitting on Hennepin Avenue and begging strangers to allow him to give them "the ol' head-bump rubbin'." A surprising amount of passersby agreed.

6. Dane Emmert died at the ripe old age of 88. He left behind his wife, Agatha, and his two children Seamus and Farnsworth.

Dane Emmert is Dead. Long Live Dane Emmert.

Hi, Dane Emmert here. I've finally hit the jackpot and won over 2.3 million dollars in a poker tournament at Binion's in Downtown Vegas, and now that I don't have to worry about working for money I can finally spend my time doing what I was meant to do: Blog. It feel so good to finally be able to delve into my passions: the flat tax, psychopharmacology, theoretical metaphysics, and of course Occam's Razor.

Or, my name is Justin and I'm guest blogging for Dane over the next couple of days. I have a hastily-made plan for what I'd like to write about:

Blog 1: Things I know About Dane Emmert, Some of Which Are True.
Blog 2: A Futuristic Space Odyssey Starring Dane Emmert as Captain Rocksteady and Co-Starring Eric Schuster as Corporal Bebop.
Blog 3: A Dane Emmert Q & A.
Blogs 4-27: TBD.

This means for Blog 3 I will need some interwebs participation. If you have a question you would like me to answer about Dane, please leave them in the comments section or, if they're of a private nature, email me at jbernacki at gmail dot com.

It is very important I get some Dane questions for my 3rd blog or I will be forced to resort to posting from my senior thesis, "The Efficacy of Negative Political Advertising in American Presidential Elections, 1964-Present." And there are only so many times I can talk about what a jerk Nixon was.

That is all for now. Stay tuned for my first actual blog about Dane. And send in your Dane questions ASAP.


Friday, June 4, 2010

May 2010 Pokers

Pokerstars: -$552
RoI- 30%
Total Prizes: $1,151
Tournaments/Cashed/ pct. 14/89 16%
Average Buy In: $19
Best Cash: 16th in $11rebuy for $287
Pokerstars in 2010: + $3959

I decided to post my average buy in as a new stat because the reality is I am playing for higher stakes after my recent success. I was pretty much break even on the site but did have a disaster high volume no cash day where i went off for close to $500 in losses. I am also playing more cash games on the site since I don't always have the time to play tournaments. Despite not making a final table this month, I did have 5 semi deep runs which I am hoping is a good sign. I've really only been successful in one tournament on Stars all year so I need to get things going.

Full Tilt: +$2594
ROI: 64%
Total Prizes: $7,640
Tournaments/Cashed/pct. 23/118 19%
Average Buy In:$39
Best Cash: 3rd in $26 35k Gauranetee for $4,710
Full Tilt in 2010: + $17, 154

Clearly I am playing for higher buy ins on Full Tilt, which I should be doing, the frustrating thing is that I really didn't do anything in a tournament with a buy in of above $26. I took 7th in another $26 event for $1140 and final tabled a $5 event. I did make some semi deep runs in a $55 and 2 $75s so obviously it'd be great to take one of those down.

Month Overall: + $2042
2010 Overall: + $21, 713

Life Update June 2010

Real quick life informations: Basketball is wrapping up this weekend, sort of. I am going to be an asst. coach for another AAU team this summer with our team playing in Chicago and Florida. It should be really fun and I wanted to go to Chicago at some point this summer anyway. I will also find out soon if I am going to take a new coaching position this fall. There is a chance I will get the 9th grade boys job at Centennial High School. I hope I get it as it would be a fun new challenge, plus it would give me the experience to be a varsity asst. coach which can only help me in the long run.
I sort of want to move out of the place that I am living but I have to decide by the end of this month. This place is cheap but that is about the only appeal. I would love to live closer to Lake Calhoun, yet part of me kind of wants to head out towards the St. Paul, eastern suburbs area and live closer to my good friends that live in Hudson.

Monday, May 10, 2010

April Poker BOOM

Pokerstars $ = +$5900
ROI 721 %
Total Prizes $6,660
Tournaments/Cashed/ Ptc. 16/77 21 %
Best Cash: Tied 1st in $3 rebuy for $6,036.
Pokerstars in 2010: + $4511.

All it takes is one! I really never thought I would chop a tournament ever, but it was 5 am and I had to get up for a basketball tournament in St. Cloud the next morning at about 8. Had we played it out first was 7k, 2nd was 5k so I took the 6k for my biggest career score, at the time...

Full Tilt $ + $12, 586
ROI 1278 %
Total Prizes $13, 573
Tournaments/Cashed, pct. 12/84 14%
Best Cash: 1st in $26 KO for $13, 016
Full Tilt in 2010: + $14, 160

No chop there obviously. Two days later I cruised to my biggest win of my life so far. I may start playing some higher stakes, but def, wanna stay within that 1% of my bankroll range on both sites.

Month Overall: +18, 486
2010 Overall: + $19, 671.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

March Poker Update

Okay, did Dane make money this month? Is he down for the year? Oh god I can't wait.

Pokerstars $-$387
ROI -14$
Total Prizes $974
Tournaments/Cashed/ pct. 23/94 for 24%
Best Cash 17th in $5rebuy for $144
Pokerstars in 2010 -$1336

I don't know if frustating is even the right word anymore. How do you cash in 24% in tournaments (a really good number by the way) and not make money? Well you have to hit final tables and eventually take one down. This month had the 17th in the $5rebuy, but also a 14th place in the $2.75 8k gaurantee, along with a 27th place in a 30k and a 30th in a 10k. With the bankroll really taking a hit on stars (its down to about $1300) I really have to watch what I'm playing, and really try not to play any buy ins for over $11.

Full Tilt $ +$1486
ROI +152%
Total Prizes $2,285
Tournaments/Cashed/pct. 17/98 for 17%
Best Cash 1st in $10KO for $1325
Full Tilt in 2010 + $2574

I never thought I would say thank God for Full Tilt, but I really was playing well without a lot of results and in the last few days of the month it all came together. I took first in that KO as I mentioned but also made a strong run in the $5 early daily B to take 3rd and a $510 finish. I was dissapointed I couldn't pull off the victory as 2 wins in 4 days would of been really nice! That being said, Full Tilt is really saving me and I feel like I am playing well and learning from mistakes which is really important.

Live Poker
Touraments/Cashed 0/1 0% -$30
I managed to play one live tourney this month, the cheap $30 one at Aces, I got a little titled which I can't do because I have to realize that live poker is so much different (and worse) that you have to just adjust to people playing like shit and now how are they are supposed to.

Month Overall: +$1069
2010 Overall: +$1210

Life Update First, March 2010

I know everyone is dying to know, what the heck happened in my life during the month of March? Basically, a lot of things to set up an exciting April. We had our tryouts for Minnesota Magic AAU team that I will be coaching and while we got some good players, I was a bit dissapointed that our boss decided to go with 3 teams instead of 2. If we had just made 2 teams and taken the top 16 or 17 of the 28 kids that tried out, we would be a lot better, but I understand it is a business and the more kids he can place on teams the more money he can get. We ended up leaving the try out with 7, 2 of which I had to have. Of course one of those kids had a really high maintenance mother and it turns out he has already left the program. We were able to recruit 2 other kids so we currently have 8, including a very explosive point guard that I'm sure you will here about down the road. I have no problem "stealing" basketball plays and during the NCAA tournament I used my TIVO quite a bit to rewatch certain sets that seemed to work a lot. Our first practice is this Tuesday and I could not be more excited about it. I think I can know understand why certain coaches like Steve Lavin will go ten years without coaching and then find themselves back in it,it really is a powerful addiction. I really think that I will coach some basketball team in some way for the rest of my life. I'm really fortunate at the age I am to have already coached has many teams as I have, and coaching AAU is a ton of fun and a totally different experience.
On another topic, I have my fantasy baseball draft tonight. I finished 4th 2 years ago and an emberassing 12th of 12th last year. The guys and gals that we do the league with are really competitive so it is a lot of fun, I think I have a better strategy this year and really want to win! I think I actually want to either pick first or 11th or 12th so I won't blow my first round pick as much.
I don't know if I mentioned this in the last blog, but I now have two cats! Bobcat and Junie, I got them from the Humane Society and they really get along well and are both really friendly and nice.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Feb 2010 Poker Update

Allright Here we go.

Poker Stars $- $299
ROI -16 %
Total Prizes $975
Tournaments/Cashed/ % 12/81 15%
Best Cash: 10th in $5Rebuy for $320
Pokerstars +/- in 2010 : $- 949

Summary: A very frustrating month on Pokerstars to say the least. You saw that right, a 10th place finish, which means that I bubbled the final table of a very big tournament. First place was over $7k, top seven spots where all over $1k. I actually wasn't having very many big losing or winning days on Stars, and then the final few sessions of the month were all triple digit losers which put me negative on there. Also, 15% cashing is not good, that needs to improve.

Full Tilt $ +920
ROI + 103%
Total Prizes $1,869
Tournaments/Cashed/ % 7/89/ 8%
Best Cash: 1st in Daily Dollar for $1601
Fullt Tilt +/- in 2010: + $1088

Summary: Well what do you know I actually won a tournament. On the first of the month I somehow won the crapshoot that is called the Daily Dollar. Sadly that'sabout all I won on FT this month, and tried to play some more $26 tournaments with my new bankroll, bad idea. With the payout structures more top heavy on Tilt, I really need to be more disciplined, so this month I am not going to play any buy ins higher than $12 on the site.

Live Poker: DID NOT PLAY
Again, really hoping to change that.
Month Overall : + $621
2010 Overall: + $141

Life Update first, then a poker update

Gonna do a brief life update before I do all the poker mumbo jumbo in the next entry. (Dane I really don't think people care, nobody really reads this.) Well in case anyone does...

I recently moved into my own apartment in Minneapolis. Like any living situation there are pros and cons, but overall I like it, seem to be able to afford it, and it is nice to leave for work 13 minutes before my shift starts and still arrive early.

However, I am going to need be even more frugal in the next coming months because I once again have decided to coach AAU basketball this spring/summer. I am going to coach younger kids this year, 15 U, so freshmen basically. It is a level that I first coached a few years ago and I think it will be a lot of fun. It is of course volunteer, and since it takes me away from my normal job on weekends (at least Saturday for sure) I may only be getting 3-4 shifts a week for awhile. I didn't think I was going to do it again, but I got so excited when the director of the Magic called me that I just knew it was right.

My former roomate Cory and my brother have really been doing well with their own radio show Jakey and the Ace. Cory has gotten really good at booking guests and so far has landing professional wrestler Ken Anderson, and NFL Network Anchor Scott Hansen. He is thinking about going to Brown College for it, and I might just go with him!

Monday, February 1, 2010

Poker Review Month of Jan 2010

I'm gonna just lay down some barebone facts on my month of poker. I now play on 2 poker sites, Poker Stars and Full Tilt. I play much more on Poker Stars as I have a lot more money on the site due to my success last year.

Pokerstars -$ -$648
ROI -21 %
Total Prizes $1,131
Tournaments/Cashed/%/ 21/117 18%
Best Cash: 2nd in $16.50 9pm for $240

Summary: The problem this month on Poker Stars was really simple. Too many days of losing over $100. Even if I'm not winning every day (and face it, no poker player does) minimizing some the losses, whether its by better game selection, better playing, etc. will let those wins really help a lot more. Cashing 18% of tourneys really is not that bad, if I can get up to to 20% in Feb, I think I'll be all right.

Full Tilt $ +$168
ROI 29%
Total Prizes $570
Tournaments/Cashed/% 12/72 17%
Best Cash 7th in Daily Double B for $298

Summary: I'm not worried at all about the 17% cashing on Full Tilt yet, becasue I play a lot of $3.30 90 man ko tourneys on that site, which have way more variance and you can go awhile without cashing. That being said I have busted a few between 10-18th and that has been really frustating. The final table in the Double B was awesome, first was over 2k so that woulda been sweet obv.

Live Poker
Summary: hoping that changes, but really during basketball season it is almost impossible for me to play a lot of live tournaments.

Month Overall: -$480
2010 Overall -$480
Obviously hoping to turn that around, being single in my own place now will either be really good for my poker game, or really bad. Stay Tuned.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Wild Rails

Does anyone remember Valleyfair? It's an amusement park here in Minnesota. Anyway, they used to have this rickety rollar coaster called "Wild Rails" (it is not called mad mouse or something really stupid) Anyhoo, Wild Rails was a unique coaster in that the cars were small and only seated 4 people. The ride itself was very jerky and would cause a lot of fast reactions like oh shit! and waht not. Well I used to go to valleyfair all of the time and one time me and my freind Kelvin Johnston went on the the Wild Rails ride, now I know not everyone knows Kelvin Johnston, but he was my best friend for a good 6 years of my life, basically grew up in the hard years of 12-16 with him and the late Aaron Christopherson. Anyway Kelvin is the funniest person in the world, 6'5" foul mouthed, loud, great storyteller, etc. So Kelvin and I are on this ride, not really aware who else with us cuz we were stoned and just wanted to enjoy it. So we are on this jerky ride and it was as jerkyas ever and had me and me and Kelvin both screaming FUCK! SHIT! OH WHAT THE FUCKING HHELL!! OH GOD DAMMIT! FUCKING TITS!!!!....and so on. well, as the ride ended, we turned around ann noticed there were 2 HORRIFIED looking 7-8 year old girls in the backseat of our car that obviously learned a few new words that day...

Thursday, January 28, 2010

I know I know

I know I haven't updated this in forever. Whats there to say? I'm gonna WARN u, a lot of it is gonna be negative but then I will attempt to end it with positivity. Should we just get the negative stuff out of the way? I say yes. I will use bulet points or dashes, cuz FUCK the long version.
-Grandma Shirley is very sick. Luekemia is in its later stages. She is a very tough woman and is taking it so well its amazing. She wrote everyone a letter basically telling them she is dying. It was done in such a graceful way I totally had to go in the bathroom and cry becuase I will nver cry in front of my father.
- I got DUMPED, over the phone 2 weeks ago. That was not very fun.

Okay thats out of the way here is some good stuff.
-I'm moving this weekend, gonna have my own place gonna be sweet, probably will have girls over, well I mean i'll try too, but it is me here so we will see. I also have some goals for this year.
1.) Save/make enough money playing poker to buy a new car. I have put $2500 into it the last year and i bought it for $4500 so getting sick of that.
2.) Get in better shape.
3) good god go back to school? I dunno its only january fuck off already.